Saturday, September 24, 2016

My Mom Pants

This week has been rough!! My husband left for the week for work and the first night out of the gate the little Boy is up sick. So on Tuesday I went to the pediatricians office just to be told that it's a virus nothing they can do to just keep alternating between Motrin and Tylenol UGH!! This is what I wore, but don't get to attached to this shirt later that day the the boy fell and cut his head open. Blood everywhere I had to make the decision on what to do go back to his doctor, go to Urgent Care or go to the ER. I ended up calling the pediatricians office explaining I was just there, they took a look at it for me and cleaned him up, and even though I pride myself on being able to get out those tough stains these blood stains might be more then I can handle.

Shirt: SameSimilar

Shorts: Same,  Similar, Similar



Shoes: Toms SameSame

Now you see how my Tuesday went, Wednesday I spent around the house doing laundry and even cheated at dinner and ordered from a local deli, therefor no outfit. Thursday I was ready to get back to normal got everyone up on time for school and me dressed for my morning run. Until the girl, who is old enough to handle things better, missed the bus. So I had to load the baby into the car and take the older one to school. Unfortunately things went down hill from there luckily at least there was no blood this time but I never made it out of my gym clothes nothing special but here they are.

ShirtSame,  Similar
I like to wear these tanks running even though they are not technically activewear.

Capris: SimliarSimilar

Sports BraSimilarSimilar

Shoes: Same
I LOVE these Nike dual fusion.

This morning I noticed the milk was out I swear to you this never happens to me I am usually better organized, I knew I was getting close and was trying to stretch it into one big commissary trip. So I got dressed and headed to the base, I didn't plan it but I noticed that I was wearing the same shorts as I wore on Tuesday so i guess they are officially my "Mom Pants".

Shirt: Same, Similar

Shorts: Same,  Similar, Similar

Watch: Similar

Bracelet: Similar

Necklace: Similar

Shoes: SimilarSimilar

Hopefully the husband will be home soon, I can't say I know exactly what his plans are between his busy schedule and my bloody, Tylenol milk mess here at home there hasn't been a lot of time to talk.

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